5th CUP : Teaching Plan

Sawadee kha

Back again with me, it's my 5th cup and i hope you still enjoy it.

January 29th
Like the usual, every morning when the students came to school they walk to the class by themself. What makes it different is, because today is monday they bring their blanket and pillow after it get washed at their home. 

The school have a schedule for the students and the teacher who will lead the morning ceremony, so every students had a chance to lead the morning ceremony. 

After the morning ceremony, the students back to their class and drink their milk. On Monday, Kindergarten 3 students will have PE (Physical excercise) subject at the field. Before the students start their main activity, they have to running around the field for 5 times, and 2 times walking. They also have to do the warming up in order to make their body ready for heavier activity and don't get any injury. 

After the warming up session, the teacher already prepare the materials for the main activity, He put cones one the field with 50 centimeters lenght for each cones and the students, they make a line behind the first cones. 

The activity that the students going to do is, they have to jump over the cone and then have run plus jumping over the long pipe to the finish line.  They have to do it one by one. 

After the PE subject the students back to their class and do the worksheet. The theme for this weekend is about petroleum and energy so the students have to draw about the moon, stars, earth, and many more. They can draw everything they want to draw and coloring as free as they want as long as it is related to the theme. 

And after the students finished their drawing, they can hang it on the class corner.

Teaching Plan

To be Continue...


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